It is usually quoted as a percentage of the peak value. Maximum drawdown is defined as the peak-to-trough decline of an investment during a specific period. Therefore, this makes the maximum drawdown formula highly relevant. MDD is calculated over a long time period when the value of an asset or an investment has gone through several boom-bust cycles. Capital preservation and steady performance are important considerations in investing. Similarly, if a coin experiences an idiosyncratic risk event, such as a legal investigation, the quicker it is removed from the fund and the lower the impact of its underperformance. A maximum drawdown (MDD) measures the maximum fall in the value of the investment, as given by the difference between the value of the lowest trough and that of the highest peak before the trough. You are risking 8 of your total capital per trade. While our analysis focuses on the traditional portfolio, a prominent question in cryptocurrency is the rebalancing frequency of cryptocurrency index funds, which invest in a basket of cryptocurrencies as weighted by factors such as market capitalisation, value, or price, with market cap weighted funds being among the most popular.ĭespite quarterly rebalancing being the most beneficial, the added advantage of more frequent rebalancing periods for cryptocurrency index funds is that new, high performing coins can enter the fund sooner, therefore capturing more of their return potential. Lets say you have a trading bot that makes an average monthly profit of 10. max drawdown, annual volatility, sharpe ratio and correlation of these assets. It appears that the greatest sharpe ratio is achieved through a quarterly rebalancing strategy, while not rebalancing results in substantial portfolio volatility and drawdown risk. Keywords: Bitcoin Markowitz Model Index Model Portfolios optimization. The above analysis shows that the more frequent the rebalancing period, the greater the impact on return, volatility and maximum drawdown. We notice the significant impact monthly rebalancing has on the sharpe ratio of a portfolio over time, with the contributions of Bitcoin exhibiting greater stability, while removing much of the negative contributions.